The Koneko Chef


  1. Please be patient with me for i do work and game a lot. You can reach out to me on discord or send a text in dms. Sometimes I may forget!

  2. Do not take any of my edits and or caps since I worked very hard to get them and create them as mine. If you need the original material then don't hesitate to ask me and I'll give you the source material.

  3. My dms are open towards all if you wish to discuss anything. But do not come in sending random lewd dms or asking for personal information. You'll get blocked.

  4. I am here to write and not entertain the drama. If there is something that is important then please let me know privately. If I'm following someone problematic then let me know and I will have them remove.

  5. If you follow me for the sole purpose of lewd, then you will not be followed. All lewd will be earned with heavy chemistry and only my shipped partners will get lewd.

  6. My character is multi ship.


Name: Kimiko Hisashi
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: African American and Japanese
Height: 5ft4
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Purple


Unlike her father, who was hot headed, cruel, aggressive and will stop at nothing to get what he wanted in order to land for power. Kimiko is shown to be a exact replica of her mother. Kind, sweet and willing to out of her way to ensure everyone is happy and taken cared of. But Kimiko does have her serious moments, especially when it comes to work and when her morale is in jeapordy.

History Behind Her

Born and raised in the southern islands near Kyoto with her mother, father and sister Kaori, Japan, Kimiko didn't understand much. Especially why her father didn't like her as much. But her mother did show her the ways of being kind and taught her how to cook at age 4.By the time she turned 6 years old, Kimiko was forced to endure hardships by her father by being chucked into a facility that specializes in making super humans.Over the last 7 years, she endure beaten for wanting to go home and just for crying. She was also used as a lab rat for experimentation. They would inject her with various chemicals to see if she was capable of handling the enhancement of her speed, endurance, strength, pain tolerance and healing. She would be perfect in the eyes of the doctors and her father.By the time she finally hit 14, Kimiko had managed to escape due to a riot within the makes that she came in contact and befriended while she was there. Upon her escape, she made a run for it and never looked back.Upon returning home, she later discovered that her father had disappeared. He would leave her mother and her sister alone to fend for themselves. Kimiko then took the initiative and begun working part time with her grandmother at her family's business.Kimiko had take the time and learned the family business and prompted her to go to school for business management and thus opening up her own restaurant.